Capital at risk. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take a couple of mins to learn more on our UK risk summaries page.

What is a Plot?

A Plot is a real estate investment.

    + We hand-pick a property investment using our scorecard.
    + A Plot is 1 company that owns 1 property.
    + The company is either an LLC (if a US Plot) or a Ltd (if a UK Plot).
    + Plots are listed on the Plotify marketplace for sale and purchase.

    + Plotify is the Asset Manager of the Plot. We arrange for and manage the following services:
    • A dedicated Property Manager
    • Find a suitable tenant for the property
    • Asset Management
    • Tax optimization, Accounting and Reporting
    • Compliance
    • Insurance
    • Offer Optional Financing
    + We setup a flexible reserve fund per Plot for any unexpected costs - we call this CARV.

    + You, as the investor, purchase 100% of the share capital of the Plot.
    + This is not fractional investing.
    + By owning 100% of the company, you indirectly own 100% of the property.

    + Our Asset Management team manage the services including the property manager so you don’t have to.
    + Plotify manages the Plot’s reserve fund (CARV) to ensure a smooth running of the asset.
    + You receiving monthly detailed performance reports and quarterly distributions of profits.
    + You can track your Plot(s) from your Plotify app.
    + You can list your Plot for sale when you feel it is right for you and your portfolio.
    + Selling can be just as fast once a buyer is ready.

Just to be clear...

Put simply (and loudly)...

  1. 1
    We structure the real estate investment (the Plot).
  2. 2
    We add services and manage the Plot.
  3. 3
    You buy the Plot, you receive all profits and appreciation.

Now you’ve got, 'What is a Plot'

Time to delve deeper into Plotify, Plots and how we’re on a mission to transform the way the world invests in real estate.